

2023, Aug 11    

Lottie had downloaded the dating app as a joke, really. Her friends had encouraged her, telling her that they could go through it together and have a laugh. She agreed, it would be funny - and she could get some one night stands from it, which was all she cared for right now. Most of the men looked fun enough, she’d get a good night out of it anyway - but nobody had really sent her wild. That was, until she met Matthew.

Matthew was tall, muscular, smart and strong. That was exactly how he described himself anyway, and Lottie thought it was incredibly accurate from speaking to him alone; she was desperate to meet him, desperate for him to fuck her. The thought of him made her feel crazy. He was rude to her from the very start, and while her friends told her that it was horrible and she deserved better; it turned her on. Smalltalk quickly led to the pair finding out that they had similar sexual interests. They both liked it intense, rough, and boundaryless. This didn’t help how horny Lottie felt whenever she spoke to him; it just made her feel even more turned on and desperate. Despite this; every time she suggested meeting up, he told her he wasn’t available; too busy, already had plans, not up for it, couldn’t be bothered… No matter how many men she slept with, she couldn’t stop thinking about him.

He would sext her, get her to send nude photos of her to him. She knew he was interested in her, but he was just playing a long game with her - wanting to make her desperate for him. Maybe this wouldn’t work with other girls. But for Lottie? She was caught in his trap. No matter what she was doing, she’d stop to fulfil his demands, hoping that he’d finally say yes to meeting up with her.

Out of the blue, he suggested that they should meet up (or, more accurately, he told her they were). She jumped at the opportunity, immediately agreeing to meet him that evening. The text was short and to the point, simply reading:

Tonight. 7pm. The Oak Bar.

He had instructed her with how she was to look. In short, it was: heavy makeup, short and tight dress, no panties. Naturally, she agreed, and had spent hours getting ready. They were meeting in a bar; nothing too popular, but nothing too grimy - quiet enough for them to get away with whatever they wanted.

Lottie arrived on time, dressed exactly how she was told. He told her to wait outside; which is exactly what she did… ten minutes ticked by and there was no sign of him, no text to explain why. Another five passed; still no show. At twenty past seven, he finally showed up, smirking as he walked over to her.

“Lottie, yeah?”

“Y-yes… that’s me! Hi Matthew!”

“I knew it was you because you look cheap…”

“I’m dressed how… how you asked me to…”

“Mhm. Cheap and slutty. Great.”

Lottie was embarrassed that she found the way he spoke to her so hot. She could feel a wetness grow between her legs. Matthew led the way into the bar, not holding the door open for Lottie. She felt like nothing to him. She loved it.

Matthew took a seat across from the bar and motioned for Lottie to sit down opposite him.

They briefly chatted about their days, and Lottie could tell that he was somewhat interested. He knew, from one of their earlier conversations, that she found it hot when men ignored her, it was part of the game he was playing.

Eventually a waitress came over, and Matthew ordered for Lottie, choosing the most alcoholic drink on the menu. As soon as the waitress left, he leant over to whisper in Lottie’s ear.

“She’s hot. Not in a slutty way. But I’d fuck her”

Lottie went bright red, blushing at his comment.

“Maybe she’s a whore like you when she’s not at work…”

The pair waited until the waitress returned, and as she left, Matthew openly stared at her ass, before turning back to Lottie and instructing her again.

“Drink up, you’ll get another soon”.

Lottie nodded and did as she was told; Matthew followed up on his word and ordered another for her before she was even finished.

After talking for a while, with Lottie getting suitably tipsy, Matthew leant over and whispered in her ear.

“Put this in. Don’t let it fall out. I need you nice and wet…” and he handed her a small bullet vibrator, already switched on and audibly buzzing. Lottie nodded and did as she was told, trying to maintain her focus on their conversation.

Matthew could tell when she was on the brink of an orgasm, and roughly dragged her out of the bar, pulling her behind the building to the mostly empty car park and bins.

“Bend over”

Lottie did as she was told.

“Nice cunt, cunt.” Was all he said to her, before taking a condom from his pocket, lowering his trousers and grinding up behind her, positioning himself in line with her pussy and inserting himself in her. She was trying so hard to hold herself back from moaning, not wanting to alert anybody to their activities. But no matter how hard she tried, it just wasn’t possible. Her moans were loud, gasping for air as if she was drowning, crying into the night with every thrust, until he eventually slowed down.

“Mmm… that’s enough for now. Want more?”

“Yes… I need it…”

“Get in my car then…”

It was stupid, but that was exactly what she did.

The last thing she remembered was getting into his car.

She woke up slowly, raising her arms, eyes too heavy to open fully. - She was confused. What was stopping her? Then she noticed the uncomfortable bed that she was laid on. It felt like pure metal, nothing soft to support her.

As her eyes slowly focused, she began to see her surroundings. A seemingly empty, dull, grey - beige room. She averted her gaze to look at what was preventing her from moving.

She was trapped in a cage, laid vertically, her arms by her side and each of her legs in a cage of their own, forcing her to permanently spread her legs. She could barely move her head, but she could see that her tits had spaces cut for them to poke through.

Her earlier thought was entirely right, it was pure metal she was laid on. She was completely and utterly trapped in some sort of mediaeval contraption, and all she could do was struggle against it, wondering how she got here - other than the obvious, which was that Matthew evidently had something to do with it.

“Get me out of this thing!!!” She shouted into the empty room, which summoned Matthew to the door. She could see him smirking as he walked over to where she was restrained.

“Hm. You’re awake”

“What did you do?!”

“Oh you don’t remember? So stupid… Do you remember any of last night…”

“We- we met at a bar. You got me to wear a vibrator and you fucked me by the bins… and then I got in your car…” “Where I knocked you out, took you home, and trapped you here for my entertainment”

“So well presented… your tits are a bit too small for this, but I can still hurt them… and if I do this…” he stopped to push a lever, which turned the so called bed upside down, “I have access to your holes. Lucky me… unlucky you.”

“And I can turn you over, onto your side too… which allows me to do this…”

“Do what?” She replied, watching him take his trousers off and pull his cock out. He spread her lips and slipped his cock inside her, ignoring her shouts of “No!!” and “You’re not wearing a condom!!”

“You were stupid enough to trust me, I’m just showing you what happens to stupid things like you…” he growled as he thrust in and out of her wet, dripping pussy.

“But… I can’t… I’m not…”

“You were begging for it last night, stupid whore.”

“You were wearing…”

He reached over and slapped her across her face, immediately shutting her up.

“Anymore of that and you’re being gagged, understood?”


“It will not be comfortable”


“Yes what?”

“Yes, Master…” She said, the ‘master’ was not something they had discussed, but it came naturally to her.

“There’s a good whore.” he praised, in a way that sounded so mocking and menacing. He continued to thrust inside her, every now and then he grabbed her tits, inflicting pain on her as he had his way with her cunt.


“Is that complaining?”

“No!! No… Thank you…” her humble gratefulness elicited a nod from him, as he thrust deeper and deeper into her sore, horny cunt.

“Hmmm… You know, I never actually came last night… I needed to save it for a time like this…”

“You didn’t??”

“Mhm, I just tricked you into thinking I was going to…”


“So you’re getting… exactly… what you wanted” he spat on her in between each word, thrusting much slower, but far deeper now, as he began finishing inside her.

Once he felt satisfied, he pulled out of her and scooped some of his cum up in his hand, which he quickly brought up to her face - rubbing it across her features.

“Anyway. I need to go out.” he mentioned in such a blasé way.

Freedom, she foolishly thought.

“Enjoy your surroundings. I’ll leave the light on for you. You can think about what I’m going to do when I’m back. If you’re right… well maybe you’ll be rewarded…”

“And if I’m wrong?”

“Is there anything in your head? You’ll Be punished. Obviously”

Fuck. That was the only thought in her mind. She was going to be stuck here, unable to do anything but think of the many possible things he could do to her. And she’d just be in even more pain if she got it wrong.