Godemiche Drool Gag Review

Godemiche Drool Gag Review

2023, Sep 24    

This post will be focusing on one Godemiche product alongside a more general overview of their shop. I’ll be reviewing their Drool Gag, so keep reading to hear my thoughts.


In my opinion, the most unique product that Godemiche sell is their Drool Gag, and the main focus of this post. The name gives away what it does - it’s a gag that makes you drool more. This is such an innovative idea, as it heightens a lot of play. You’re not just gagged, you’re unable to look dignified as you sit there with saliva running down your body, and it makes for very hot play.


How does it work? I hear you ask. Well, it works as normal ball gags do. You hold it in your mouth and strap it around the back of your head. But the key difference here is the shape, as the drool gag is shaped like a spiral, creating gaps between your lips and the toy due to its deep ridges. This means more salvia is collected around the ‘bit’, allowing it to fall out of your mouth more, and makes it so difficult to suck it back in.


The drool gag is obviously a super messy toy, but I really like this gag, and it’s very easy to clean. This is such a relief as I was very worried about the cleanliness of a toy like this, and I’d not be recommending it if it was difficult to clean, because hygiene is so vital to any play I do. Not only this, but it’s soft and squishy, so it feels a lot more comfortable than traditional gags. I can wear this for longer periods of time and not feel like my jaw is aching, and if I’m in pain I’m able to bite down on it without worrying about my teeth. I’ve been so happy every single time I’ve used their drool gag, and while it differs from regular ball gags or o-ring ones, it’s top of my list (check back in the future for my list ranking and comparing gags!)


To clean the drool gag, you just need to undo the poppers from the metal rings that connect it to the straps, slide the ‘bit’ off and wash it. It definitely feels a lot more hygienic than other gags on the market, which require wetting their straps, which makes me worry that they’ll weaken. So being able to completely remove the part of the gag that is in someone’s mouth is a real comfort, meaning it lasts longer and feels much more hygienic. It does take quite a bit of effort to slide the gag back onto the clips, but once you get the hang of it it’s far easier to do than it initially seems.

Price wise, the gag costs £37.99, which I think is quite fair for a well made product, however it does cost more to have custom colours. It’s an extra £5 to choose your colour, and £6 to add glitter. They have a whopping 98 colours to choose from, which is incredible! You can also change the colour of the strap for an extra £3, so personalisation is definitely at the forefront of what they do.

Godemiche makes silicone toys and accessories in a variety of styles, colours and uses. Many of their products can be customised, so if you’re in the market for a new toy, but can’t find something that ticks all your boxes, it might be worth checking out what they can do for you.

I think that Godemiche are mostly known for their grind pads and rings. The pad is attached via straps to… well anything you can imagine, maybe a thigh or a pillow… and the rings have a hole in to put around a dildo or penis. These are created to provide extra clitoral stimulation, but they are sure to have different uses if you get creative. The ring comes in nine different textures, and the pad comes in three. You can also customise the ring to have an incline, which adds £4.99 and means you can only choose from two textures at present. If you get the chance to, I’d definitely recommend checking them out in person, but I’m sure you could ask via their website to find out what each texture is like, or just look at photos and description to help you choose. Having felt these in person, I personally feel like some of their textures would be far too hard/painful for me, but I’m sure they do work for many people.

But Godemiche do stock other products too, including cock rings, dildos, butt plugs, gags and more. They’re definitely filling a gap in the market with some of their products, but others are fairly common to see, like their butt plugs, however it’s understandable that they make these. Once you find a company that makes good quality silicone, why not buy more from them? Some of their more ‘pedestrian’ products, such as their dildos do come in fun shapes, meaning that they definitely stand out as quite a unique brand. Also, all of their products come in really gorgeous colours, so if you’ve got a colour scheme going on with all or your toys, you’ll almost certainly find matching products here. It’s definitely nice to see colours that aren’t just black and red available, which seem to be the most common colours for sex toys to come in.

I think they’re on the higher end of average, cost wise, but for products that are made in the UK and with high quality silicone, it’s worth it if you can pay for it. I know I’d rather pay more for something that feels like it will last. I do understand it means some people can’t afford it, but I’d really recommend saving for something. I’d say their products are around £35-50 on average, depending on what you want and how customised you would like it.

Overall, they seem, to me, to be more on the vanilla side of sex toys, not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s good to choose a specialism! With their stock being mostly insertables or similar, it feels more entry level, however I do completely acknowledge how important products like dildos and masturbators are for scenes and kink play! There are many other sellers out there who specialise in impact products or electro products, for example. Plus, would silicone be the best material for impact… probably not. I just thought it’s important to note, especially as they are good products for newbies who are willing to spend a little more on their first toys.

This isn’t to suggest that you skip over any of their toys though, because they are very well made and so fun. I love the drool gag and would thoroughly recommend it.

They can be found on their Website,FetLife, Instagram, X, and TikTok. They are also regularly at Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar and other UK markets, where you can see and feel their products in person!

Let me know what products of theirs you are interested in, or if you own some, tell me your thoughts! You can contact me on any of my social media links.

I have reached out to Godemiche for a comment and will update if necessary.


Price: For a UK Made, fully customisable gag, I think it’s worth it. It is super comfortable too, so definitely worth paying more than you’d pay for a regular ball gag. 4.5/5

Design: This is a really creative design in my opinion. It fulfills its purpose well, and is both comfortable and easy to clean. However, as I mentioned earlier, it’s tricky to put it back together at first. 4/6

Ease of use: Works like a regular ball gag. Easy to put on and take off with the help of another person, but more difficult if you’re alone. 3.5/5

Comfort: I can wear this for long periods of time without any pain or discomfort! 5/5