Big thanks and Mini-Update #2
This is just a quick post to say thank you all so much for reading my blog so far. When I decided to create this website, I never thought I would have 10k views in a couple of months. I am so grateful for all of them, and you have really shown me that I should carry on writing.
Every time I check in and see how far my blog has reached I am completely amazed. I have had views from every continent on earth, isn’t that fantastic.
As I have had quite a good response thus far, I would really like to stress how important your feedback is, and how much of a reach it will have. Whether you want me to talk about my thoughts on a certain party, or try out a toy before you buy it, or even if you want to read a story with a certain theme in; please message me on one of my social channels. Your feedback means so much to me, and it will reach so many people!
If these numbers keep rising - or even if they stay as they are - I will definitely consider updating my blog to have features like a comment or rating section, adjustable rankings for toys and more.
I will continue writing and creating content, perhaps also making TikToks to promote the blog, if this is something people think would be liked.
Coming to my blog next is another part of Entrapment, a review of the London Under 30s munch, and a review of an impact toy… so stay tuned for that content very soon.