Young Women's Munch Review

Young Women's Munch Review

2024, Jan 14    

A few months ago I attended the London Young Women’s Munch. I had seen this Munch on FetLife, and finally found the time to attend. It’s a nice, midweek time, and starts later than most London munches, but it’s nice to have time to grab food beforehand - it’s held at The Foxglove, which is a really popular venue for a lot of munches. There is a kitchen here, and the menu is excellent, but it’s good to have the time to go elsewhere beforehand.

This munch describes itself as ‘open to any women or women-identifying people of all sexual orientations’, though it should be noted that the ‘young’ part means under 35. They also state that their ‘goal is to provide a safe, welcoming space for kinky women, to talk, meet and get to know each other’. As you’ll read in this review, I think that they really meet this goal. I’ve made a lot of connections here and it’s really nice to see a friendly face at other events I attend.

The organisers had booked a long table, as the attendance is much lower than other events held at this venue - it wouldn’t make sense to hold this munch in the back room, as everyone was in the same conversation, which could easily be had over one long table, as opposed to larger events which have many people in smaller groups. The attendance numbers are perfect for making new friends, and this really works with the fact that a lot of attendees seem to be scene newbies - this munch is really calm and because it’s all women, it’s a nice way for other women to dip their toes in before going to munches with… everyone in attendance.

I like that this munch is for ‘any women or women-identifying people of all sexual orientations’ - it’s definitely a needed thing on the scene for safety, and it allows women to meet other women in a relaxed environment, without the business of most munches. As I mentioned before, it’s a good place for people to begin. I definitely would have loved an event like this when I started attending munches, as it feels a lot less ‘scary’ due to its size and demographics. There may be a lot of newbies, but there’s always someone with enough knowledge to let others know of safe events and parties, or which are really beginner friendly.

The other great thing about this event is that many attendees want to go to the same play parties or club nights - so they are then able to create a group to go with or meet up beforehand with. It also creates a new level of safety - knowing you have a group of other women looking out for you at larger, mixed gender events.

I would love to see this munch grow, and have a bigger attendance - so there would be even more people with experience to help guide newbies and keep them safe.

I have attended a few more of these events since intitally writing this up - and I shall definitely be in attendance in the future!