Blowjob Bella

Blowjob Bella

2023, Oct 15    

Bella had always loved giving blowjobs. She remembered her first time vividly; It was her first week of university and her flatmates had organised a night out. They hopped from club to club, dancing and drinking, until eventually, the group was split up apart from her and the man who lived in the room next to her. After drinking some more, they headed back to their shared flat - and both ended up in his room, where they sat talking - he asked her about her relationship history, and she drunkenly admitted to all the boyfriends she’d had before - but also that she’d never done anything more sexual than a hand job.

“Wanna change that?” he asked her.

“Yeah.” she replied, without a moment’s thought.

To say it was life-changing was a completely true statement. From that day on, she loved giving blowjobs of all sorts, clean and quick, slow and messy, private, public, multiple at once, multiple as a train… it was just something she was completely obsessed with.

Her peers at uni started calling her ‘Blowjob Bella’ behind her back, but when she found out, she embraced it, sure, maybe it was shameful. But she didn’t care.

Years had passed since then; Bella had moved cities and was working full time. That first encounter had led her to discovering kink, and she regularly played with people in her local scene, or often times would just meet up with people to give them a blowjob; it was one of her favourite things, so much so, someone once made her a t-shirt emblazoned with text stating ‘Always happiest with a cock down my throat’ - it was one of her favourite things to wear, for obvious reasons.

Tonight, one of her partners had a surprise for her. She was sitting in her bedroom, getting ready to meet him in a pub. She always loved to look extra slutty for her partners, so she opted for a mini dress, high heels and heavy makeup. Her lips were bright red, per his request.

The two met in the pub, and sat, talking about their lives and what had gone on since they last met up - he’d chosen a table in a nice, secluded part of the pub, away from everyone - and he was taking full advantage of this; getting her to flash her boobs at him, teasing her cunt underneath the table, asking her to start touching his cock… It excited her, and intrigued her even more as to his plans for later.

The pair eventually headed home, horny and ready to properly fuck each other - or so Bella thought.

As they entered the flat, Bella was led by her partner to his bedroom, wherein he instructed her to strip down to just her panties - she did as she was told, and stood in the centre of his room, waiting for his next instruction. He paced around her, like an animal stalking its prey, manoeuvring her into a multitude of sexual positions, before ‘deciding’ how he wanted her.

“Over the bed, now” he instructed.

Bella jumped into her place, her beautiful red lips parted wide enough to fit around his cock - she knew what she had to do.

He walked up to her, unzipping his trousers and taking his cock out, stroking it as he got closer and closer. When he reached her, he stood still, waiting for her to make the first move, which she immediately did. She began to lubricate his dick with her saliva, licking at it until it was comfortably wet. Then, she started to take his length bit by bit, sucking on it and remaining as quiet as possible, wanting to service her partner well.

“Hurry, slut.” he spat, and grabbed the sides of her head, an action which was quickly followed by him thrusting violently into her mouth, speeding up with every motion he made. Saliva was pooling up inside her mouth, which then escaped down her face, making a mess of her makeup, which just turned her partner on more. He started to be even rougher, forcing her head down as he fucked her mouth in the same way he would her cunt, not caring how it felt for her - just the way she liked it too.

Eventually, he slowed down, and repositioned himself to ensure that his balls would cover her nose. Then, he closed his thighs around her head and ‘sat’ on her, cutting her air supply and making her even more pliable.

“Lick it, I don’t just want you to warm it.”

“Mmhm!!” she replied, and moved her tongue to give him the pleasure he requested.

He knew her limits, and could tell when she needed air, at which point, he moved so her nose could take in the air she needed, but he continued to fuck her throat.

“This is what you’re good for, giving every man you meet a blowjob, I bet you’ve been like this since you let your flatmate use your mouth. Just a mouth… with bonus holes, but you don’t need those used, do you?”

She grew wetter at this comment, sucking his cock as he thrust in and out, moving in perfect tandem with him. He once commented that he’d love to earn enough to pay her to just give him blowjobs, warm his cock, be a mouth for him to use whenever he fancied, and this was a thought that thrilled her. Her job was fine, but being paid to give blowjobs forever? She could orgasm from the very idea.

Her partner continued fucking her mouth, getting closer and closer to the edge, and she could tell - she used her tongue more, making sure to maintain that perfect suction, until he suddenly pulled away, taking his cock from her mouth.

He pressed her head back, so it couldn’t reach his cock, no matter how hard she tried - she looked desperate, it was so humiliating to watch, and her partner wished he’d set up a camera to film her on… next time, he made a mental note.

He brought his hand to his cock and began stroking it, staring at the woman beneath him.

“Flip yourself over, so you’re staring at the ground.”

She complied, and he walked back to be closer to her, rubbing his cock over her long, still perfectly straight hair. He let out a moan and brought his cock closer to her head, ensuring that his stream of cum only went in her hair.

“Good whore. Don’t move.” he instructed, and wiped the tip of his cock in her hair, before rubbing it all in like a hair mask.

“Sit up.” He said, and she did, watching his every move.

“Now let’s watch a movie, you need that treatment to settle into your hair, right?” Bella nodded, not wanting to disrespect his wishes.

“And I’m going to be nice to you, I’ll make you happy by giving you something to put in your mouth… and shut you up with too, while we watch it.”

She nodded again, wondering what he had for her as he left the room to fetch a box and some rope.

“This is for you, now open wide!”

Bella opened her mouth as she had before, staring at the box and waiting to see what was inside, and why he had rope. After taking the lid from the box, he pulled out a glass dildo, made in an intricate swirling pattern. He placed this in her mouth, and she automatically closed her lips around it, as if she was going to give another blowjob.

“Good girl. Your mouth is so useful, we’ve got to keep it trained. Now stay like that.” As she stayed as still as she could, he looped a length of rope through the ring in the bottom of the dildo and tied it around her head, making sure it couldn’t slip.

“Look at yourself, you’re a beautiful, fucked-up picture…” He whispered, and opened the door to allow her to move to the hallway mirror. She looked at herself, as asked, and couldn’t believe what she looked like - it was like she was prepared to be eaten… or used in her case, all she needed now was a buttplug and a dildo in her cunt, and it would be like something from a porn video - she’d be perfectly ready for men to fuck her, needy and wet, desperate and dripping. She could feel herself getting wetter and wetter - she would need to act this out in the future. Her attention darted back to her face; in particular her makeup, which was completely ruined. Mascara had run down (and up) her face, and her lipstick was smudged all around her mouth. He was right. She was a fucked up picture.

Bella headed back to his room, where he quickly took her out, moving her to sit in the living room. He connected his phone to the television and hid his own screen away so he could surprise her. Her attention was fully on the television’s screen, and her eyes widened in shock when he began playing porn.

“Now, no touching yourself, I just want to watch you get so desperate. Don’t think I didn’t notice how utterly wet you already are…” he said, reaching over and stroking a finger gently over her cunt, then wiping her wetness across her face before sitting back.

“Now watch this and imagine it’s you. Maybe it will be…”

She nodded again, tongue running against the dildo in her mouth, feeling its curves with her tongue. It felt incredible, she needed it inside her cunt or ass. She’d have to beg for him to let her at some point; but for now, she was content with her mouth and throat being filled with something to keep her trained well, and she’d just have to sit and deal with any other desperation.

The dildo in this story is real and you can read my review.