
Supermarket Slut Part Two

READ PART ONE HERE Lucy walked out of the shop without a bag. It wasn’t on the list, so she had to hold everything while walking out. Her master looked over at her as she exited the shop, dried cum all over her face, which was also a light pink...

3 minute read

Supermarket Slut

Lucy was laid in the middle of her bed, touching herself as she had been instructed to. Her master, who was in the adjacent room, watching her through a secret camera he’d set up, had control of the toy she was wearing, but she was so horny that she needed...

6 minute read

Blowjob Bella

Bella had always loved giving blowjobs. She remembered her first time vividly; It was her first week of university and her flatmates had organised a night out. They hopped from club to club, dancing and drinking, until eventually, the group was split up apart from her and the man who...

7 minute read