
Stress Ball Slut Part Two

Read Part One first! Leah made her way into the kitchen, once again tying her apron around her naked body. She could feel Robert’s eyes on her, watching her every move to make sure that his standards were met. It was only a sandwich she was making; but that didn’t...

7 minute read

Stress Ball Slut Part One

Robert was working from home today, something that always excited Leah more than she could explain. She knew that today, she’d be used at his every convenience, a little fuckdoll for him to use throughout the day. Normally, she’d spend the day doing chores and looking after their house, but...

5 minute read

Controlled by Strangers - Part 2

Upon reaching the café, she looked around for her friend - who evidently hadn’t arrived yet. Alice asked the waitress for a table for two and sent a quick text to her friend - letting her know that she had a table. As she got comfortable, the vibrations continued, the...

5 minute read

Controlled by Strangers - Part 1

It was a stupid idea for Alice to post a link in a public forum that would allow strangers to control her vibrator. Especially on a day like today, when she had multiple things to do. But she needed that stimulation, needed that lack of control, needed the surprise of...

5 minute read