Controlled by Strangers - Part 2

Controlled by Strangers - Part 2

2023, Jun 20    

Upon reaching the café, she looked around for her friend - who evidently hadn’t arrived yet. Alice asked the waitress for a table for two and sent a quick text to her friend - letting her know that she had a table. As she got comfortable, the vibrations continued, the wooden seat of the chair keeping the toy snugly pressed against her clit. Her pussy throbbed at the feeling, thoughts of a man pushing it further and further against her flooded her brain, and she couldn’t help but let out a soft moan, which immediately made her blush. Was she really that obvious? How much worse was she going to get? She pondered what she’d be like by the end of the day, and how desperate she’d be on the journey home. It was near impossible to think of anything else, but she tried to distract her racing mind by reading the menu as she waited.

“Alice!!” A familiar voice greeted her

“Hi! Sorry I’m here so early… I uhm… I thought it’d take longer to.. get here” she replied, trying to focus on her friend and not the pulsing she could feel.

Thankfully, her friend just sat down, not pulling her into a hug. They’d been quite close friends during university, and she didn’t want to ruin their bond by her feeling the vibrator she was wearing. Of course, her friend knew that she slept with a lot of people in university, but it would be embarrassing on so many levels for her to find out how slutty she really was.

The two fell into natural conversation, which allowed Alice to forget about the toy, and by the time their lunch arrived, it was like she couldn’t feel it anymore. The relief was welcomed, despite how much she loved the feeling, it was good to have a distraction.

However, when her friend got up to use the bathroom, her focus turned back to the toy. It was still going, admittedly on a lower speed now (which probably helped her forget about it earlier), and she was glad for the length of her dress - not wanting to leave anything on the seat below her. She pulled herself closer to the table and slipped her hand under her dress, feeling how wet she was now. Her thighs were so sticky, which didn’t bode well for her panties - which she didn’t dare check. Using her other hand to grab a napkin, she quickly cleaned her fingers, making sure it didn’t look weird. She put the used napkin into her handbag and once again tried to focus on something else, waiting for her friend to return.

She looked at the time. It had been hours since posting, she was quite surprised it still had battery left, especially after being left on such a high speed for so long. And then, as if someone read her mind, the vibrations suddenly came to a halt, and although she hadn’t been noticing them, this was so noticable. She yearned for them to start again. Maybe someone else would take control; that whoever had it last was now doing something else, or maybe she’d have to walk around for the rest of the day craving stimulation…

Her friend soon returned, and she was glad to be able to easily focus on continuing to catch up, but was still aware that at any moment it could turn back on and her friend could hear. The two finished their lunch and paid, still catching up for another half an hour, until they left the café and hugged goodbye, throughout which, Alice kept her fingers crossed that this wouldn’t be the moment someone would start playing with her again.

After parting ways with her friend, Alice began walking to her next stop, and her final stop of the day. She was going to get some dresses for the summer, and knew that she’d have to try them on in the shop. This would require so much caution, as she didn’t want to ruin any of them by accidentally brushing them against her soaking underwear.

The shop was about a twenty minute walk away, and with every step she could feel her thighs getting wetter and wetter. She’d have to use the napkin from earlier again, to stop herself from getting it on the clothes she was trying on. While she could easily just go home, she liked the challenge this presented, and loved the idea that she could be midway into getting dressed in a quiet changing room and someone could turn it on again…

Wandering around the shop, Alice picked out dresses for summer, totally focused on the dresses and nothing else. Then she felt it. A slow pulsation. Someone had started playing with her again. Taking a deep breath, she continued her walk around the shop, choosing more dresses to try on.

She walked over to the silent changing rooms, and hoped none of the workers would hear the buzzing coming from her. This was going to be difficult, but she persevered. She’d got this far, she could try on some dresses without exposing and humiliating herself. All in all, she lasted about fifteen minutes before deciding that she couldn’t try on any more, she just needed to be home to give herself the relief she’d needed for so long. The current controller was sending her over the edge, they were very attentive, keeping her alert to everything they did with the toy.

She slipped her own dress back on and held the dresses she was buying in one hand, exiting the cubicle and handing the rest to the assistant. She made her way to the tills as fast as possible, wanting to just pay and get out, to be on the bus home. After buying the dresses, she made her way back to the bus stop, heading home in the most impatient mood she had ever been in. The bus journey seemed to take forever. At some point, whoever was controlling the toy had disconnected, but she barely noticed, being overwhelmed by the days worth of edging, all she could focus on was how much she needed to cum. When the bus pulled up to her stop, she moved faster than ever before, becoming more desperate by the second.

Finally, she was home. The first thing she did was strip off, leaving her in just her underwear. She caught a glance of herself in the mirror, her panties completely wet through. Here, she took the vibrator out and turned it off, before walking to her bedroom, hand already underneath the tiny thong she had on, fingers running up against herself. It didn’t take long for her to push herself over the edge, and with a loud moan she threw her head back, pleasure moving throughout her body in waves.

After recovering from her orgasm, she pulled out her phone and typed in the address of the forum, before commenting a quick thank you on the post, signed off with a wink and a promise that this would definitely happen again.