Stress Ball Slut Part One

Stress Ball Slut Part One

2023, Jul 17    

Robert was working from home today, something that always excited Leah more than she could explain. She knew that today, she’d be used at his every convenience, a little fuckdoll for him to use throughout the day. Normally, she’d spend the day doing chores and looking after their house, but days like today were a rarity and very special, her favourite type of day.

At 7:30am, she woke up naturally, almost as if her body and mind were propelling her to get ready and cook for him, to let his day start off as best as she could make it. So she stepped in the shower, making sure to shave every inch of her perfectly shaped body. She needed to be quick, but also knew that if anything was amiss, she’d be punished for it. And she really didn’t want to start the day off in a bad way. After making sure she was hairless, other than that on her head, she stepped out the shower and dried herself, before putting on a small amount of makeup, mostly to enhance her eyelashes and lips, wanting to look immaculate and sexy. As soon as she was ready, she quickly ran downstairs and into the kitchen.

Tying an apron around her naked body, she got to cooking him some breakfast; fried eggs on crisp toast, his favourite. She put enough coffee for him throughout the day into a cafetiere, and waited for him to arrive - hoping she would get the timing accurate. While she waited, she quickly ate a slice of toast, making sure she had enough sustenance to keep her going throughout the day.

He walked into the kitchen, immediately slapping her arse and motioning for her to sit on the floor while he ate, assuming correctly that she had already eaten. He sat down, and began eating, while she anxiously waited to hear if she’d got it right.

“Delicious, thank you, slut. Now stand up, I need to inspect you.”

Leah did as she was instructed, standing up and putting her hands above her head. Robert walked around her, his hands roaming across her body, stopping when they got to her pussy and breasts, both of which he fondled with much appreciation.

“Hm, good job, you’re very smooth. Thank you” he noted, and she nodded a response before getting back on her knees, waiting for her boyfriend to finish his coffee.

“Right, we both need to get to work… remember your place?” He asked, and she nodded in response, slowly standing up and walking ahead of him to his desk, where she fell to her knees and crawled underneath the desk. He left the kitchen momentarily, soon returning with a gag, which he fastened around her head. She was looking up at him with big, pleading eyes, so desperate for the activities of the day. She pushed herself further under the desk, allowing for him to sit down with a comfortable amount of leg room.

He unzipped his trousers, putting his half hard cock into his mouth, where it lay across her tongue. She knew not to suck it now, she was just there to warm it, provide a comfortable place for it to rest. And as she did that, she was growing wetter and wetter, so turned on by being used like this, and so excited for the surprises she’d come across throughout their day. Her boyfriend logged onto his computer and started working, ignoring her, other than to adjust himself or tease her by lightly fucking her mouth. They stayed like this for hours, he was slowly getting harder, and Leah found the fact that she couldn’t suck his cock torturous. It was so unfair. But he needed to focus… she could wait.

“Come here, slut. Stand up” Robert said, breaking the lengthy silence. Leah did as she was told, coming out from underneath his desk and standing beside him. He turned to look at her, taking her breasts in his hands, and began to squeeze them - as if they were stress balls. She moaned through the gag, loving how hard he squeezed, the pain was incredible, so bad but so good.

“This is much better… I’m glad to have such excellent stress relief… makes the day much better.”

“Mmhmmm” is all she managed to reply.

“You’re so wet, you’re making such a mess, you filthy slut. Can’t control yourself, can you? How disgusting.” He said, bringing one hand down to her cunt, and dragging a finger through it. Leah nodded a response, trying not to fuck herself on his hand.

Quickly withdrawing his fingers, he shoved them in her mouth, getting her to clean them, before pointing to the floor and waiting for her to return to her earlier place, mouth around his cock again.

The room was once again filled with silence, other than the tapping of his keyboard. Leah sat, staring up at him, gazing mostly at his cock, desperate to be fucked later - maybe she would have to beg for it. He knew how desperate she was getting, and opted to ignore it, teasing her even more than he already was.

Eventually, he spoke up again.

“My pens are too far for me to reach, I wish I had something to hold them”

She knew exactly what he meant by this, and she crawled out from under the desk, befor laying on her back and bringing her legs up, pushing her pussy into the air. Robert took his pens, and slowly pushed each one into her leaking cunt.

He pushed more and more in, adding rulers and highlighters, filling her up with whatever he had placed on his desk, before tying them together with an elastic band.

“You’re a good pen holder. But can you hold them when I fuck you with them? I know how much you want to be fucked by me… but I’ve got work to do. This will have to do, not that you’ll care”

Leah attempted to reply, but the gag stopped her from saying much. She sounded how she looked, a desperate, slutty mess. Which was only made worse when Robert began fucking her with the stationery, pushing it in and out of her pussy, smiling as her legs began violently shaking and she struggled to keep them up.

“Hm… I’m not letting you orgasm. So get back on your knees, slut. My cock needs a place to go.”

And so he returned to work, ignoring her once again. They remained like that for a while, until he pulled her forward by her hair, ignoring her screams of pain.

“You’re so stupid… far too stupid to have a normal job like me… but you’re such a good slut. I should bring you into the office, let everyone use you. You’d love that, wouldn’t you….”

“Mhnmmm!!!” She replied.

“Well… stop thinking about it. I need something to eat. Go and be a good slut, okay? You have twenty minutes. I’m timing you, so don’t be late. Or else.”

Leah nodded at him, getting to her feet and running into the kitchen to make him lunch. How was it was only midday. Robert had so many more plans for her. She was shaking with excitement, horniness, and how on edge she was.

Part Two