Supermarket Slut

Supermarket Slut

2023, Nov 19    

Lucy was laid in the middle of her bed, touching herself as she had been instructed to. Her master, who was in the adjacent room, watching her through a secret camera he’d set up, had control of the toy she was wearing, but she was so horny that she needed the additional stimulation of her hand too.

He walked in, a bottle of lube in one hand and a large butt plug in the other. Without speaking, he roughly took the Dolce from inside her and flipped her over, which was a signal for her to get on her knees. He trained her well, she immediately got onto her knees and stuck her arse in the air, while burying her head into one of the pillows at the head of the bed. He placed the plug down on the table to his right and stepped into the bed, bending over her so he could talk directly in her ear.

“I’m being kind to you - I’m using lube. Now don’t you dare cum, or next time I’ll go in without anything, I don’t care if it hurts you.” He spat, while squeezing the lube bottle onto his hand and around her asshole, making sure she would be comfortable before pushing the tip of his dick in, which was followed by the rest of it, an action greeted by a light, but sensual moan.

“Good slut. Pleasing yourself just isn’t enough, is it?”


“But you chose to have the dolce in your cunt… so your ass needs to be used too…”

“Mhmmm… thank you…” she moaned, feeling her arse bounce as he slammed into her.

What a day it had already been, she was so utterly horny, but unable to do anything about it. She had been banned from orgasms, but was so on edge. He knew this, and wanted to push her further and further, knowing she wouldn’t be able to resist orgasm.

His prediction was correct, she uncontrollably moaned in a way that signified her orgasm, he didn’t even need to ask if she had came.

“Bad slut. How could you cum without permission? And I used lube too… next time you’re not so lucky. Maybe I’ll use your wetness to make it more comfortable - after all, you’re always wet, aren’t you?”

She shamefully replied with a nod, though her head was still buried in the mattress.

“Now I’ll still fuck you as I am. But you’re keeping my load inside you all day, as a reminder of what you did”.

He continued fucking her until he was ready to cum, at which point he grabbed the plug he’d brought in and tipped her forward, to prevent anything from spilling. As soon as he removed his cock, he pushed the plug in, spanking her once it was in so she could really feel it.

After pushing the plug inside her, he quickly moved to their wardrobes and picked out a tight crop top, which he used to wipe up the remaining lube from her body. He then folded it and placed it on the floor, before pulling her up by her hair so she was kneeling and facing him. He slapped his cock on her face, leaving a sticky residue, before pushing it against her lips, wordlessly telling her to clean up. Once he was satisfied, he pushed her away from him and he moved himself off the bed, while she remained kneeling, not wanting to move without his instructions.

“Come on slut, we need to go out”

“Okay… let me just get cleaned up and-”

“I didn’t say anything about that, did I? You’re to go out as you are… just with clothes on. You can wear this top, and I’ll pick out a skirt for you too. You’re keeping the plug in.” He informed her, picking up the top from earlier off the floor.

Lucy stepped down from the bed, heading to get some underwear - but was stopped from accessing the wardrobe by her master.

“No. I said I’ll pick, and you’re not wearing any stupid underwear, alright?”

“Okay sir…but what if I get wet? Or if it’s cold…”

“If you get wet, that’s your fault for being such a horny slut. And if it’s cold… well it won’t just be me enjoying your tits”.

She nodded to show she understood, and pulled her crop top on. She couldn’t stop feeling the wetness against her body as she waited for her skirt to be picked out for her.

“This one, I think” he said, throwing a short, tight black skirt at her.

She got dressed as instructed and waited for her master to be ready - who knew how long they’d be out for while running errands. She would simply have to stay plugged for the entirety of their trip out. The pair headed to the supermarket, it was a nice day - but cold - and Lucy was so aware of everything about herself. Her nipples poking through the tiny crop top, the plug in her arse, the cum in her arse. Why was she being brought out like this?

The drive felt so much longer than normal, and he instructed her to fetch a shopping trolley for them, telling her to give passers by a show if they stared at her tits. She obliged, squeezing her tits together with her forearms as she caught a guy staring at her as she pushed the trolley back to the car.

From here, her master took control of the cart, making sure to go a pace faster than normal to keep her on her toes and make her tits bounce. He was getting harder and harder again every time he looked at her, and formulated a plan of what to do after they’d done their shopping.

“We need to go and get some stuff from the other store too, but looking at you has made me so horny… I need you to come to the bathrooms with me.” He said, holding some of the shopping bags, making her struggle with the others.

She just nodded and followed his lead, checking to make sure nobody saw them go into the stall together. She had already betrayed his wishes once today - she couldn’t do that again.

He pulled his jeans down to his knees and pointed at the floor, telling her to kneel down. She did as instructed and opened her mouth, ready to give him a blow job, but was surprised to not feel his cock in her mouth. Instead, his own hand was around his length, perfectly aimed for her face. Maybe he wouldn’t cum all over her… maybe it would just be in her mouth, and it was a test of her patience…

She was wrong. Time had passed, and she opened her mouth again to receive his load. He slapped her face for that, and instead came all over her face and chest, painting her in his cum. It was unmistakably cum too - there was no way of hiding it.

“We don’t have all day, get up, slut.” Her master said, unlocking the door and heading for their car. She followed in silence, feeling eyes on her as they walked the short distance from the toilets to their car.

Once they were both sat down, he drove off, taking her on a route she had never been to before. She wondered if his threats were empty - that they were just going home and he was teasing her. But she knew her master, and knew that he could also be taking her to somewhere where people would see her covered in cum and he could show her off as the disgusting slut she was.

Eventually, the route became familiar… it was just a bigger shop - one that was much busier. As he pulled up, he gave her a list of what to get.

“I’m not coming inside with you, I’ll be here when you’re done. Now read the list to me.”

“Condoms… coconut oil… a cucumber… a hairbrush… whipped cream…”

He nodded and sent her off, taking photos of her as she walked away. There was an obvious trail of cum running down her leg too - he knew how hot she found humiliation like this, and he hoped she would be quick, so they could go home and he could photograph her more, using the items she had bought.


Let me know on any of my social media channels if you’d like to see part two!