Supermarket Slut Part Two

Supermarket Slut Part Two

2024, Jan 07    


Lucy walked out of the shop without a bag. It wasn’t on the list, so she had to hold everything while walking out. Her master looked over at her as she exited the shop, dried cum all over her face, which was also a light pink shade from embarrassment.

She sat down, and her master immediately pulled her skirt down to her knees, exposing her cunt fully to him. She remained like that for the rest of the journey, anxiously waiting for the walk back to their house.

“Put it back on until we get in. Then strip fully and lay your purchases out on the spare bed. You can sit next to them. Such a relief to her, but the anxiety had been spent. She was still on edge, totally unsure of what was to come.

As they walked through the doors to the house, she did as she was told, stripping out of her clothes. She was then directed to their “guest” room, which was just a spare bed covered in a plastic sheet for whenever he wanted to play messily. After closing the door, he opened up his computer, switched the webcam on and pushed her to sit on the bed.

He opened the box of condoms and slid one over the cucumber, before handing it to her, ensuring she was in eyeline of the camera.

“Be useful. Hold this” he spat.

Next was the cream. He opened the can and left it laying beside her, teasing her by not doing anything with it.

The hairbrush was pulled violently from its packaging after this, and he hit both of her thighs with it immediately, watching her recoil in pain. The other items he left, unsure of if he would use them at all, or if he should just leave her humiliated and wondering

Starting with her tits, he began to spray the cream down her body, circling her nipples and drawing arrows pointing at her cunt with it. Playing with food did nothing for him. It was simply the humiliation of being displayed like this that he wanted, having her look like a mess for him to watch back later.

“Alright whore. Fuck your dripping cunt with the cucumber. You’re desperate for dick… it’ll have to do”

After watching her fuck herself on the cucumber, covering the bed below her in cum and wetness, he picked the hairbrush up again.

“Should I shove this in there too? Or just slap you with it. Or maybe I’ll shove it up your ass… you’re so disgustingly wet it’ll slide right in…” he pondered. In response, she fucked herself harder, desperate for him to touch her in some way.

“Oh, you want it in one of your holes, do you?”

“No… you…”

“Now why would I get myself messy? I’m not the one who walked around covered in cum, I like to be clean!” He teased, still wondering what to do with the brush.

Realistically, he knew exactly what he was going to do with it, and raised it in the air before coming down hard on her tits again with it. They jiggled, cream smearing everywhere; he did it again and again, listening to her cries with every slap.

He was visibly hard, his cock desperate to escape, yet he waited until he knew he could just cum over her again and leave her uncomfortable, sticky and even messier. He wanted to leave her there as long as possible before allowing her to wash. And to be able to watch her too, of course. They had toys, of course they did, but sometimes he preferred to use random objects on her, an unspoken reminder of her worth - that some days, she had to be hit with a hairbrush and fucked with a vegetable.

He swiftly left the room and all she could do was lie there, waiting for his permission to leave and clean herself up…