Stress Ball Slut Part Two

Stress Ball Slut Part Two

2023, Jul 23    

Read Part One first!

Leah made her way into the kitchen, once again tying her apron around her naked body. She could feel Robert’s eyes on her, watching her every move to make sure that his standards were met. It was only a sandwich she was making; but that didn’t matter. Everything had to be perfect. He stood against the wall, observing her silently. After finishing making his sandwich, she started on making one for herself too, also keeping his high standards. Just because it wasn’t for Robert didn’t mean it didn’t matter. Robert muttered a soft “good slut” to her, and took his place at the kitchen table, inviting Leah to put the plates down. Robert carefully removed her gag, to allow her to speak, eat, and rest her jaw.

“Looks good. But there’s one thing…”

“Oh…” said Leah, immediately knowing what she did wrong.

Robert took Leah’s plate from the table and set it on the floor.

“Have you forgotten your place? Are you that stupid?”

“N-no! I shouldn’t have assumed ..”

“One more mistake and you’re going to be punished. Badly. Now onto your knees.”

Naturally, she obeyed him, and began to eat from the floor, like a dog. It was humiliating, eating like this, but so hot too. She couldn’t explain why she loved it, and to be honest, she had messed up on purpose, wanting to be reminded of her place - beneath him.

Many minutes passed them by, both of them eating in silence. Robert looked over at Leah, when he knew she wouldn’t be looking, and smiled at her with great affection. He had already had such a fun morning, and was looking forward to their afternoon too. The work he was doing didn’t really matter all too much, making sure that Leah was enjoying herself was what mattered to him. He gradually finished eating his sandwich, his mind full of everything he had planned for the rest of the day, and when he finished, he stood up gradually, looming over Leah.

“You have five minutes to clean up. Then be underneath my desk again. I’m timing you” he instructed, and with that, he left the room and headed to his office.

Leah quickly finished her last few bites, and rushed up and over to the sink, trying to count the time in her head. She should be quicker than five minutes - it was only a couple of dishes after all… but she also didn’t care. She quite wanted to be punished. After drying the last plate, and putting it back in the cupboard, she hung her apron up - letting her nude body be fully exposed again. She loved being like this - and wished she could always be naked - something for Robert… and other men… to stare at and touch.

Robert was already sitting at his desk when Leah entered, and she wondered how long she had taken. Maybe he came straight to his office, or maybe he had waited for the five minutes to be up and was waiting on her return. Regardless, she crawled back under the desk and waited to be gagged again, mouth open and willing, glossy eyes staring up at her dominant boyfriend. He carefully placed the gag in her mouth and around the back of her head, before motioning for her to crawl backwards to allow him the leg room he needed.

This time, he remained fully clothed, teasing Leah by not giving her the satisfaction of having the weight of his cock in her mouth. She whined, essentially trying to beg for it, but he ignored her - not even telling her to shut up. Eventually, he undid his trousers and told Leah to remove them and his boxers, remaining seated throughout to make it much harder for her. But she was a determined slut, and wriggled them from underneath him, freeing his hard cock, which she immediately took in her mouth, keeping it warm and hard, fulfilling her purpose again.

Time was moving like syrup now for Leah, who was getting hornier and hornier, unable to do anything about it. Robert was in and out of ‘meetings’, she could only sit there and wait, until Robert spoke to her.

“Up. On my lap. I’m tired of your mouth”

Leah’s face was a perfect picture of surprise, she crawled out from the desk as fast as she could and stood beside him, waiting for him to push away to allow her to crawl onto his lap.

“Face the wall, I’m going to fuck you as soon as you’re sat on my cock. But you’re not allowed to cum, regardless of how soaking wet and desperate you are”. He said, spinning to face her. She nodded in response, and straddled him, pushing her pussy onto his dick. Once she was fully seated on it, he began to thrust inside her, holding her down by wrapping his arms around her waist - which still allowed him to get on with work. She liked being ignored and used like this, like her pleasure didn’t matter - even though she knew that her boyfriend was doing this for her too. She couldn’t stop herself from moaning around the gag, loving the feeling of being full and how him fucking her felt. She was so happy, so glad to have somewhat of a release, even though she knew it would only be worse afterwards. She sat as still as possible, not wanting to move too much and ruin the illusion of her as a toy - a doll to be fucked. Dolls didn’t move, and they certainly didn’t take the initiative to fuck themselves on a nice, hard, thick, cock - no matter how much they wanted to. She just sat there, waiting for him to finish inside of her - not that she wanted that anytime soon…

Whether Robert was actually working or not was a question that half-crossed her mind. She found it hot that he might be, that he was genuinely using her as one would a fleshlight, but the illusion was more than enough for her.

He carried on fucking her, trying not to look at her, but the look on her face was too good to miss. She was the very picture of pleasure, eyes half rolled back in her head, arms grabbing onto the chair to keep her steady. With the next few thrusts, he knew he was getting closer and closer, until he pried his hands away from his keyboard and onto his shoulders, he dug his nails into her skin as he finished, moaning slightly. There he rested for a moment, before returning to his work. Eventually, he spoke up.

“Back down. And stand to the side. My legs are tired.”

He steadied her as she lifted herself from his lap, not wanting her to fall and hurt herself.

“What do you say?” He teased, knowing she couldn’t reply.

“Mmmaaa…” she attempted, blushing from the embarrassing sound that escaped her lips.

“Whatever, slut. Now do as you’re told. And don’t ruin my carpet…”

She got back onto her hands and knees and crawled under his desk, facing the wall, rather than him, to allow him to use her as a foot rest.

She remained there for the final hours of his workday. Occasionally, he would use his feet to stroke her cunt, keeping her nice and wet, on edge at all times. She could tell the day was coming to an end by the sunlight shining through the window, so she remained patient - a good, quiet footstool.

“Slut, take your gag off. You’ve been good. I’m going to reward you. I want you bent over the bed, waiting for me to come and surprise you.”

Leah did as she was told, thinking she was definitely going to be fucked again - and almost certainly allowed to cum.

She could hear his footsteps approaching, which provoked her to stick her arse higher in the air - giving him the perfect target. He strolled closer and then stopped, bringing the crop up and then back down onto her cheeks; a total surprise for her.

“oH!!!” She shouted out, a half cry of pain, half moan of pleasure. Robert continued attacking her arse, leaving bright red stripes across it, wanting to leave lasting marks to remind her of their day; a reminder of her place. Once she began to get used to it - something he could tell by the way her moans slowed down - he dropped the crop and began to use his hand. He loved the double intensity - his spanks felt so much worse because of the welts already there - and Leah adored this.

“That’s all you get tonight… you’ve already been fucked once already…” He told her, pulling his hand away and getting onto the bed, where he motioned for her to lie down next to him.

He was right… and she was more than happy with how their day had panned out. Her eyes began to close, and she slowly fell asleep on his chest, satisfied and happy.